On a deal by deal basis we evaluate potential energy investments for family offices, high net worth individuals and foreign entities, primarily in upstream companies and individual drilling or producing oil and gas properties. If you have an energy project into which you are considering making an investment, let us (at no charge) conduct a preliminary review for you. We'll provide our "quick analysis" of any yellow or red flags we find in the project's documentation, and suggest the extent to which due diligence evaluation may be warranted. If extensive due diligence is required, we are willing to either manage it for you (for a fee) or recommend (at no charge) full service consulting firms with the experience and resources to undertake comprehensive evaluations.
We are also uniquely positioned to assist investors who seek direct investments in oil & gas drilling prospects or producing property acquisitions. Our in-depth knowledge of the upstream market and the economics of drilling and acquisition deals will help you focus on your key parameters. From that we can design a set of deal guidelines to use specific to your investment goals and seek out the investment opportunities for you that might be available from those who are in our extended oil & gas operator database.